What do we deliver to you?

1. Free Estimate

Through our free consultation, we briefly walk your operation with the intent of identifying the amount of opportunity for improvement and how complex the improvements may be. This is aimed at providing you with sufficient information to make a decision on if moving forward is right for you.

2. Operation Walk

The operation walk provides the consultant with invaluable information, such as the top bottlenecks within the operation, labor inefficiencies, inventory health, and more. This process involves visual observation, conversation with employees, data collection, quality control inspections, and performing the duty of the operator/employee where applicable.

3. Summary Document

The summary document will be provided to you after an assessment of the operation walk.  It will include a list of solutions that we feel will provide the most improvements for the least amount of investment.  For each solution, the document will provide a projected percentage of improvement, the key performance indicator being measure, and how to implement the process change.

4. Implementation

While the client is responsible for the implementation of the improvements, the consultant will provide the tools needed to measure the change over time (if one does not already exist). Each improvement may have varying lengths of observation periods. If the improvement does not meet the committed improvement percentage on the summary document, you pay a prorated rate down to 50% and any improvement that did not meet 50% or more will not be charged.

Client Reviews

“Williams Ventures Group not only significantly increased the efficiency of my operation, but also taught me how to grow along the way.